2023 年 10 月 21 日
设立中国(新疆)自由贸易试验区(以下简称自贸试验区)是党中央、国务院作出的重大决策,是推进改革开放的重要战略举措在新时代。 为高标准高质量建设自由贸易试验区,制定本方案。
以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神,统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局、协调推进深入贯彻落实“四个全面”战略布局,全面准确全面贯彻新时代党的治疆方略,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,全面准确全面贯彻新发展理念,加快建设深入贯彻新发展格局,着力推动高质量发展,更好统筹发展与安全,积极服务融入国家重大问题。 战略,坚持推动高水平对外开放,加快实施自由贸易试验区完善战略,充分发挥改革开放综合实验平台作用,建设自由贸易试验区打造新时代改革开放新高地。
以制度创新为核心,以可复制、可推广为基本要求,全面贯彻第三次中央新疆工作座谈会精神,深入贯彻习近平总书记关于新疆工作的一系列重要讲话和指示批示精神,坚决把握新疆工作精神。 我们将立足国家大局战略定位,做好依法治疆、团结稳定新疆、文化养疆、富民兴疆、长远新疆建设等工作,努力打造推动中西部地区高质量发展的典范,打造新疆融入国内国际双循环的重要枢纽,服务“一带一路”核心区建设,助力打造亚欧黄金通道和中国向西开放的桥头堡,为共同构建中国-中亚命运共同体做出积极贡献。
赋予自贸试验区更大改革自主权,充分发挥新疆“五口通八国、一路通欧亚”的区位优势,深入开展差异化探索,培育壮大新疆特色优势。优势产业。 经过三到五年的改革探索,着力建设营商环境优良、投资贸易便利、优势产业集聚、要素资源共享、管理协同高效的高标准、高品质自由贸易园区,以及突出的散热和驱动效果。
2. 场地布局
乌鲁木齐地区依托陆空联动开发的区位优势,加强陆港国家物流枢纽建设,重点发展国际贸易、现代物流、先进制造业、纺织服装业、生物医药、新能源、新材料、软件和信息技术服务等新兴产业,积极发展科技教育、文化创意、金融创新、会展经济等现代服务业,打造与周边国家交流合作的重要平台比如中亚。 喀什地区依托国际贸易物流通道优势,做大做强外向型经济,重点发展农副产品精深加工、纺织服装制造、电子产品等劳动密集型产业大力推进进口资源加工,积极培育国际物流、跨境电子商务等跨境现代服务业,打造连接中亚、南亚等市场的商品加工集散基地。 霍尔果斯片区依托跨境合作和陆路边境口岸型国家物流枢纽优势,重点发展跨境物流、跨境旅游、金融服务、会展展示等现代服务业。做大做强特色医药、电子信息、新材料等产业,打造跨境经贸投资合作新模式。
1.营造一流营商环境。 率先推进“数字政府”建设,提高政府运行效率,推动服务数字化、标准化、智能化,打造新疆标杆。 赋予自贸试验区更大改革自主权。 可以向新疆维吾尔自治区和新疆生产建设兵团下放的经济社会管理权限,有实际需要且具备下放条件的,将依法向自由贸易试验区下放。 探索实行食品经营许可证等“证照同步办理”。 授权自贸试验区通过告知承诺制直接受理和批准食品相关产品等重要工业产品的生产许可证。 探索将农作物种子进出口企业种子生产经营许可证发放权限下放到新疆省农业农村部门,同时加强管理,促进种子市场规范有序发展。 支持乌鲁木齐建设“丝绸之路经济带法制区”,完善法律服务机制,集聚高素质法律服务人才,积极引进更多具有国际影响力的涉外法律服务机构。 提高法律服务能力,组建涉外法律专家和律师队伍,建立涉外法律服务专家库,开展国际法律合规培训,提高法律保障水平。
2.提高科技服务能力和合作水平。 推进风电等领域国家技术创新中心建设,持续推进“一带一路”联合实验室建设。 布局建设具有区域特色的新疆实验室,优化升级自治区重点实验室,紧密围绕特色产业开展基础研究、应用基础研究和前沿技术研究。 探索与中亚等周边国家在农业、能源、资源、环境、医药卫生等领域建立联合实验室或联合研究中心,搭建综合研究、科技人才交流和培训合作平台。 在中国—中亚等地区建立创业创新众创基地和技术转移中心,建设科技成果孵化基地和科技企业孵化器。
3. 坚持生态优先、低碳发展。 推动重大生态环保改革措施在自贸试验区先行先试,引导支持自贸试验区开展生态文明示范。 鼓励自贸试验区企业开展自愿碳减排,推动符合条件的企业参与碳排放交易。 落实企业环境信息依法公开制度,探索完善环境信用评价和修复机制,推进环境信用评价体系建设。 深入探索污染减排和碳减排协同路径,支持绿色低碳生态园区建设。 拓展“三线一令”(生态保护红线、环境质量底线、资源利用上限、生态环境准入清单)应用场景,强化生态、大气、固废等生态环境分区治理成果支撑等环境治理,推动产业发展绿色转型。 持续提高重点领域和行业环境影响评价管理效率,充分发挥环境影响评价制度的源头预防作用。 在大气环境容量较低的地区,重点燃气相关产业要实行产能等值置换要求,努力构建技术含量高、资源消耗低、环境污染小的绿色产业结构。
四、推动投资自由化便利化。 完善外商投资服务保障机制,切实保障外商投资企业依法公平参与政府采购、招投标、标准制定等事项,支持符合条件的企业平等享受产业和区域发展政策。 鼓励设立外资研发中心,在研发费用、专职研发人员数量、设备购置等方面降低准入门槛。 支持采取“平台+园区”、“机构+企业”共享、开放、合作的发展模式建设国家产业合作园区。
五、提高对外投资合作水平。 构建外资政策促进、服务保障和风险防控体系,搭建企业“走出去”窗口和综合服务平台。 鼓励和支持自贸试验区企业通过合资、合作、并购、参股等多种方式,向中亚等周边“一带一路”国家开展能源资源领域对外投资、新材料、特色药品、农产品种植。 ,与国内产业对接,产能互补,协同发展。 完善外资管理,提升非金融类境外投资便利化水平。
六、提高贸易便利化水平。 加快中国(新疆)国际贸易“单一窗口”建设,丰富跨境电子商务、全程物流协同等地方特色应用。 扩大中亚等周边国家优质农产品和食品进口。 牵头推动边境口岸农副产品快速通关“绿色通道”全覆盖。 扩大周边国家特色中药材进口,对睡莲、秋水仙、洋甘菊、石榴花、玫瑰花、牛舌草等新疆急需批次进口中药材进行风险评估,加快签约双边议定书。 探索进口大麦加工成饲料豆芽的闭环监管模式。 依托中哈霍尔果斯国际边境合作中心(以下简称合作中心),加强与周边国家在农产品、食品风险信息交流、检测执法互助等领域合作。 推动中国-中亚区域检验检疫安全技术合作与交流,搭建中国-中亚法规标准信息交流平台。 推动综合保税区与自由贸易试验区协同发展。 实施重要矿产品“港口+卸货地”联合监管模式。 在满足监管条件的基础上,探索创建国际邮件、国际快件、跨境电子商务的集约化监管模式。 对边境居民之间贸易的进口货物实施分层检验、分类监管。 开展进口资源性商品受理试点工作,鼓励符合资质要求的第三方检验检测机构参与,进一步提高通关效率。
7.培育外贸新业态新模式。 推动边境仓和海外仓建设,鼓励优势企业在中亚国家建设海外仓,构建多仓联动跨境集运模式。 支持符合条件的边境贸易中心和商品市场夯实市场采购贸易发展基础,按程序申请市场采购贸易方式试点。 集聚供应链管理、贸易中介等功能性企业,探索离岸贸易,培育具有全球资源配置功能的中转、集运和国际配送业务。 支持自贸试验区内有条件的企业按照综合保税区维修产品目录,在工程机械、轨道交通、航空航天等领域开展高科技、高附加值、环保型保税维修服务。 建立“一检、一运、一体化运营”的保税车辆仓储“三一”监管模式。 整合中亚地区粮食、棉花等优势农产品资源,支持有条件的粮食加工、棉纺企业做好粮食、棉花进口业务。
八、推动内外贸一体化发展。 在自贸试验区开展内外贸一体化试点,重点支持棉纺、番茄、硅基产业等优势产业,充分利用现有扶持政策,支持企业一体化经营、一体化市场发展,综合品牌培育。 。 加快特色产品全产业链标准体系建设,推动棉花、番茄、硅基产品标准与国际标准协调对接,提高内外部标准一致性水平。 统筹推进棉花认证体系建设,打造具有国际影响力的棉花认证品牌。 充分发挥重要贸易促进平台作用,借助中国国际进口博览会、中国进出口商品交易会、中国国际服务贸易交易会等大型综合性展会开展展览招商工作、中国国际消费品博览会等,安排一定区域进行特色产品展销,并对参展企业免征展位费。 加强非商业性出国展览公共服务,支持企业参加特色产品国际展览。 加强与行业商协会合作,开展特色产品进超市、电商平台、批发市场活动。 组织电商平台和线下零售企业举办特色产品主题消费活动,推动电商平台设立特色产品专区。
九、做大做强传统优势产业。 大力发展就业能力较强的服装等纺织终端产业,高质量发展棉纺织产业,建设国家优质棉纱生产基地,提高纺织服装产业带动就业能力。 利用现有对二甲苯(PX)产能,打造炼化纺织产业链。 支持自贸试验区纺织服装及电子产品组装、鞋帽皮具、箱包等劳动密集型产业发展。 提高林果、酒、乳制品等特色产品加工业标准化、规模化水平,打造特色优势品牌。 支持新疆承接东部地区外向型特别是劳动密集型产业链转移,融合中亚国家初级产品、科技创新和科技成果转化,打造欧亚大陆产业链合作重要节点。提升欧洲国家高端零部件制造能力,与新疆特色产业体系形成产业链合作的重要节点,提高就业吸纳能力。 依托传统优势特色产业,加大中小企业特色产业集群培育力度,促进中小企业专业化、创新化发展。
10.推动制造业转型升级。 依托现有石化产业基础,推进链条延伸、修复、强化。 建设国家战略矿产资源基地和有色金属产业基地,提高有色金属就地转化率。 推动综合保税区保税矿产混配业务发展。 加快轨道交通装备、农牧机械、农产品加工装备、纺织专用装备、建筑矿山机械装备等制造业发展,加快形成先进制造业集群。 支持中东部地区先进装备制造业转移,打通绿色铸造等装备制造配套环节,加快新能源汽车零部件配套产业发展。 拓展通用航空商业市场,推进相关基础设施建设,大力发展飞机制造维修、通用航空飞行、教育培训、应急救援等通用航空全产业链,打造通用航空产业集群。 壮大安全应急产业,培育国家安全应急产业示范基地。 打造特色医药产业,建设大宗原料药生产基地,将合格的创新药、中成药纳入国家医保药品目录和基本药物目录。
11.推动数字经济创新发展。 加快数字基础设施建设,打造数字综合服务平台,支持自贸试验区充分发挥新疆能源气候优势建设数据中心,带动数据中心相关产业向新疆转移,促进新疆积极参与在“东数西数”工程建设中,融入国家算力网络体系。 加快国际通信设施建设,支持数字丝绸之路建设。 支持新疆面向中亚国家,加快布局软件和信息技术服务企业。 为中小企业数字化转型提供政策支持,加快企业数字化转型。 支持乌鲁木齐地区与中亚国家依法有序开展数据信息交换合作,推动数据信息服务、互联网服务等领域互联互通。
12. 增强金融服务功能。 鼓励自贸试验区非金融企业和金融机构创新合作方式,深化与共建“一带一路”国家金融机构的交流合作。 支持境外金融机构在自贸试验区内依法依规设立银行、保险、证券等新型法人金融机构。 自贸试验区内中外资银行分行以下(不含分行)高级管理人员的设立、变更、终止及资格审批,保险分支机构的设立、调动、撤销及高级管理人员的有关事项及以下分支机构资质审批事项由事前审批改为事后报告。 鼓励银行业金融机构按照法治化、市场化原则,加大对自贸试验区基础设施及配套设施建设的金融支持。 支持自贸试验区内综合保税区开展期货保税交割、融资租赁、仓单质押融资等业务。
13. 促进投融资便利化。 在合法合规、风险可控的前提下,鼓励银行业金融机构创新科技金融服务模式,不断提升自贸试验区科技创新企业金融服务水平。 完善债券融资支持机制,推动企业发行绿色公司债券、绿色债务融资工具等。扩大出口信用保险覆盖面,支持自贸试验区企业通过“单一窗口”开展网上保单融资跨境金融区块链服务平台。
14.扩大人民币跨境使用。 依托双边政府间合作平台和联动机制,推动与共建“一带一路”国家在大宗商品贸易、对外承包工程、边境贸易等领域跨境人民币结算。 扩大与“一带一路”沿线国家商业银行合作,鼓励双边本币直接交易和跨境现金转移。 在服务合作中心建设中,在合法合规、风险可控的前提下,探索自贸试验区金融机构向“一带一路”共建国家转移贸易融资资产等金融业务创新。路”。
15. 建立健全金融风险防控体系。 坚持系统理念和底线思维,加强重大风险识别和系统性金融风险防范,依靠信息技术创新风险分析和风险防控方式,建立联防联控机制,完善金融分类监管机制,加强反洗钱、反恐怖融资和反偷税漏税工作,严厉打击非法金融活动,不断提高金融风险防控能力。
16.建设现代综合交通枢纽体系。 推进乌鲁木齐临空经济区建设,促进与国际陆港区协调发展。 加快乌鲁木齐陆港型国家物流枢纽建设,推进空港型国家物流枢纽建设。 扎实推进综合货运枢纽强链,促进跨运输方式融合融合,加强区域协调联动,确保服务产业链、供应链稳定畅通。 推动国家骨干冷链物流基地建设。 强化国际邮件交换局(交换站)功能,探索建设“中国邮政中亚-中欧海外仓储枢纽站”。 支持发展中吉乌公铁联运,探索发展中巴多式联运,合作建设中吉乌等铁路项目,推动内陆港口、港口、港口建设自贸试验区园区、企业等集疏运系统。 加快现有口岸现代化改造,提升铁路口岸能力,畅通自贸试验区多式联运通道和码头网络。
17.创新物流运输服务模式。 推动公铁联运“一托、一单到底、一结算”,探索建立符合边境地区多式联运发展特点的业务模式和规则标准,加快与国际接轨。结合运输规则和标准互认,推动多式联运规则和标准“走出去”。 探索赋予运单物权证明功能,为相关国际规则的制定提供实践支撑。 探索发展基于铁路运输单证的金融服务。 加强中欧班列集结中心建设,积极支持乌鲁木齐国际陆港区开行中欧班列,有效衔接西部陆海新通道货运班列。 支持建立国际多式联运物流信息平台。 优化自贸试验区与周边国家主要城市航线、航线的衔接。 基于平等互利原则,结合乌鲁木齐机场、喀什机场国际航线网络建设需要,与有关国家和地区扩大第五通行自由等航权安排。 培育和发展国际航空市场。
18. 推动内陆港口经济创新发展。 支持乌鲁木齐药品进口口岸建设,提高口岸运营水平。 支持发展国际航班保税航空燃油加油业务。 研究发展中欧班列(乌鲁木齐)国际邮件和跨境电商货物出口业务。 积极引进国际物流企业,完善流通加工、包装、信息服务、物流金融等物流服务,构建“通道+枢纽+网络”的现代物流运营体系。 支持探索口岸联动发展,加快“单一窗口”优化升级,推动“智慧海关、智慧边境、智慧互联”建设发展。 Rely on existing institutions to build a unified and efficient port supervision system. Carry out comprehensive port performance evaluation and clean up and standardize port charges. Improve the joint prevention and control mechanism at ports, and promote information exchange, mutual recognition of supervision, and mutual assistance in law enforcement among regulatory authorities.
(7) Deepen exchanges and cooperation in multiple fields in opening up to the west
19. Strengthen economic and trade cooperation with neighboring countries. Give full play to the role of international exchange platforms and multilateral mechanisms such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the "China-Five Central Asian Countries" cooperation mechanisms, and the Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC), and support participation in or host activities under relevant frameworks. Continuously improve the three-level linkage mechanism of cooperation centers. Organize the China-Eurasia Expo with high quality, explore and jointly build the “Belt and Road” countries, especially the Central Asian countries and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization countries, to jointly organize national theme exhibitions and industry thematic exhibitions. Optimize the entry-exit pass processing procedures for cooperation centers.
20. Promote international cultural and educational exchanges. Strengthen the building of international communication capabilities, innovate the overseas promotion model of cultural services, carry out international exchange activities such as music and dance, cultural heritage, art exhibitions, cultural creativity, competitive events, etc., and create a multi-cultural exchange platform. Support the application to create a national foreign cultural trade base and create a batch of superior cultural products and services with Chinese characteristics and Silk Road elements. We should give full play to the tourism industry's advantages of providing many jobs and strong driving ability, and rely on Xinjiang's natural scenery and cultural customs to create a Silk Road tourism corridor with world influence and drive employment and income growth for people of all ethnic groups. Support the creation of border tourism pilot zones and cross-border tourism cooperation zones. Cooperate with neighboring countries to create cross-border tourism routes and study the launch of international tourist trains. Implement the "Study in Xinjiang" program, entrust qualified universities to undertake the task of training Chinese government scholarship students, provide scholarship support to outstanding international students to study in Xinjiang universities, encourage universities to recruit self-financed international students in Xinjiang, and cultivate international students to serve the development needs of the free trade pilot zone Talent.
21。 Improve international medical service capabilities. Promote the in-depth development of cross-border telemedicine on the Internet, introduce domestic and foreign high-end medical resources and high-level medical teams, upgrade remote consultation service platforms, and support the creation of "cloud hospitals" that serve neighboring countries. Cultivate an international academic exchange platform and encourage the holding of international conferences and exhibitions in the field of medical and health. With the Urumqi area as the core and relying on the advantages of regional medical resources, we carry out international diagnosis and treatment services to neighboring countries. Explore and carry out research on cutting-edge clinical diagnosis and treatment technologies such as stem cells, immune cells, and gene therapy. Explore the establishment of international medical commercial insurance, transnational medical insurance and other connection mechanisms to provide convenient and efficient medical services to foreign patients, and actively build an international medical service center that radiates to surrounding areas. Support the international registration of pharmaceutical products with a focus on co-building the “Belt and Road” countries.
(8) Deepen the reform of talent development systems and mechanisms
twenty two. Demonstrate and implement talent reform policies. Support the free trade pilot zone to take the lead in implementing talent reform policies such as establishment of positions, scientific research funding, talent evaluation, incentives and guarantees. Promote distribution policies oriented toward increasing the value of knowledge, explore distribution forms such as annual salary systems, agreement salary systems, and project salary systems, and encourage incentives such as equity, options, and dividends to mobilize the enthusiasm of high-level talents. Support the free trade pilot zone in optimizing the talent management system and better promoting talent flow. Support the working and retired professional and technical talents of state-owned enterprises, the working and retired professional and technical talents and management talents of public institutions to work part-time and part-time in the pilot free trade zone in accordance with regulations, and support qualified scientific researchers in universities and scientific research institutes in accordance with regulations. Go to the Pilot Free Trade Zone to innovate and start a business.
23。 Gather high-level and urgently needed talents. For high-level talents identified according to procedures to work in the pilot free trade zone for a long time, the local government can provide support in housing, medical care, children's education, etc. in accordance with relevant regulations. We will support talents with first-class international and domestic standards and the ability to lead industrial development on a "one-case-by-case" basis. Support local governments to provide internship subsidies for outstanding college graduates, provide financial support to outstanding doctoral or postdoctoral researchers, and attract talents to come to Xinjiang to innovate and start businesses.
24。 Build a talent innovation and entrepreneurship platform. Support the free trade pilot zone in accelerating the construction of talent development platforms, support industry leading enterprises in cultivating and building platforms such as key laboratories, corporate R&D centers, high-skilled talent training bases, and skill master studios, build new R&D institutions such as industrial innovation institutes, and carry out Joint technological research, collaborative innovation and transformation of scientific research results. Support enterprises to carry out industry-university-research cooperation with universities and scientific research institutes, and jointly build industrial technology alliances, technology incubation bases, internship training bases, industry public (common) technology platforms, etc.
25. Strengthen service guarantees for foreign-related talents. Support the construction of a "one-stop" platform for comprehensive services for entry and exit personnel, and provide entry and exit convenience for high-level foreign talents to invest in entrepreneurship, lectures and exchanges, and economic and trade activities. For key groups such as foreign high-level talents and foreign technical and technical talents working in the pilot free trade zone, convenient services such as visas, work permits, residence and permanent residence, and driver's license conversion will be provided to continuously improve service quality. Support the free trade pilot zone to vigorously develop the human resources service industry, create a national-level human resources service industrial park and human resources service export base, and introduce and cultivate a number of high-level human resources service institutions.
4. Guarantee mechanism
Persist in strengthening the party's overall leadership throughout the entire process of the construction of the free trade pilot zone, firmly establish an overall national security concept, focus on the overall goal of Xinjiang work, strengthen the overall coordination of stability and development promotion, and strengthen bottom-line thinking and risk awareness , effectively strengthen the construction of the risk prevention and control system in the free trade pilot zone, improve the mechanism to prevent and resolve major risks and hidden dangers, safeguard national security and social security, and firmly guard the bottom line of preventing regional systemic risks. Adhere to green development, build a solid ecological security barrier, implement ecological environment zoning control requirements, and effectively safeguard the country's ecological environmental security and people's health.
The inter-ministerial joint meeting mechanism for the free trade pilot zone work must play a coordinating role, give full play to the enthusiasm of local and departmental governments, implement various reform pilot tasks, and build the free trade pilot zone with high standards and high quality. The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps must effectively fulfill their main responsibilities, adhere to planning and coordination, policy coordination, resource integration, and complementary advantages, and work together to promote the construction of the free trade pilot zone; improve the working mechanism, and build a streamlined and efficient free trade pilot with clear rights and responsibilities District management system; strengthen local legislation to establish a fair, transparent and well-systemed legal environment; strengthen monitoring and early warning, carry out in-depth risk assessments, formulate relevant work plans, and effectively prevent and resolve major risks; strengthen talent training and create a high-quality professional management team; Adhere to the "three distinctions" and encourage bold attempts and bold breakthroughs. The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and relevant departments must promptly delegate relevant management authority in accordance with the law, improve supporting policies, and ensure the implementation of various reform measures. Each area of the Pilot Free Trade Zone must do its work carefully, implement solid systems, strictly supervise, and strictly enforce disciplines and law enforcement.
The State Council's decision on temporarily adjusting the implementation of relevant administrative regulations in the Free Trade Pilot Zone shall be uniformly applicable to the China (Xinjiang) Free Trade Pilot Zone. The implementation scope and tax policy application scope of the Comprehensive Bonded Zone and Cooperation Center in the Pilot Free Trade Zone remain unchanged. Any reform policy measures proposed in this plan that involve adjustments to existing laws or administrative regulations shall be handled in accordance with prescribed procedures. Major matters shall be promptly reported to the Party Central Committee and the State Council for instructions.